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Robert Louis Stevenson - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


When first contemplating whether to read this book or not I found myself questioning how good a book can be at only 88 pages long, despite its fame as a classic story. However, one day I found myself with nothing to do so I sat down and opened to the first page. Almost immediately I was gripped with intrigue as the mention of a "damnable man" with "something wrong with his appearance...something downright detestable" was introduced by the name of Hyde. 

Being such a short book there is not much that I am willing to say about it. Of course, everybody knows the general principle of Jekyll and Hyde, yet there is so much more to the story than those who have not read it would imagine. It is not the story of a man who turns into a monster and rampages through London. It is a story of tragedy and sadness, and one mans self-isolation from everyone that he knows as he is tortured by decisions that only he can make.

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