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Stephen King - The Dark Tower


Now this is a series of books that can only be defined by the word epic. At the age of 19, King decided he wanted to write a series similar to that of The Lord Of The Rings and this is what he produced. A massive 7 books long, the story of The Dark Tower follows Roland Deschain, the last Gunslinger from Gilead, on a perilous journey to catch "The Man In Black", a betrayer of his people and his family. The first book ("The Gunslinger") throws the reader straight in at the deep end with Roland hot on the heels of his target through a baron desert - a phenomenal introduction to the series. As the book progresses Roland picks up some companions that become vital to the success of his mission and together they slowly creep closer to the Tower. Magic, parallel dimensions, mutants, vampires, ghosts, undead, and guns taken straight out of the old time spaghetti westerns and even a talking train, this series has all of the above and more! With fresh enemies, dangers and obstacles thrown in the path of Roland and his "ka-tet", will they catch up to The Man In Black and reach The Dark Tower? Truly an incredible read, with each book as good as the next, Stephen King has produced a not-to-be-missed read for any fantasy/scifi/adventure novel fans out there. 

Without doubt one of the greatest writers of his generation.

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